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You are here: The Job Explorer > Job Description > Aerobics Instructor

Aerobics Instructor Duties and Responsibilities

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Purpose of Classification:

Teaches aerobic dance or step aerobic classes.

Distinguishing Characteristics:

This is a specialized class and not part of a series.

Examples of Duties:

  • Motivates and leads participants by using and explaining proper exercise techniques.
  • Attends prescheduled training workshops and meetings.
  • Maintains and updates information in the aerobics logbook on a daily basis.
  • Interprets and enforces the policies and procedures of the Wellness/Fitness Facility.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • Knowledge of the principles of exercise.
  • Knowledge of aerobic techniques.
  • Skill in both verbal and written communication.
  • Skill in teaching aerobic exercise.

Minimum Qualifications:

One month of aerobic teaching experience; OR, Any equivalent combination of experience and/or education from which comparable knowledge, skills and abilities have been achieved.


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