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You are here: The Job Explorer > Job Description > Facilities > Facilities Manager Responsibilities

Facilities Manager Duties

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A person allocated to this position manages & directs the facilities of particular buildings / departments / facilities within a school or division. Job duties may include building maintenance, environmental / safety regulation compliance, grounds maintenance, custodial support, cafeteria support, organization of events, space assignments, etc. Individual has supervisory & budgetary responsibility.


Planning, directing, coordinating & budgeting for a single facility (or several small facilities) including hiring personnel;

Supervise procurement and maintenance & upgrades of furniture, utilities, computers, security sytems & signage for the overall facility;

Establish and administer policies & procedures for events and coordinate activities & events with other UGA departments and external clients (may include Federal & State agencies and industry leaders);

Ensure facilities will meet needs of multiple individual projects and coordinate with IT staff for technological needs;

Supervise facility usage, operations, equipment maintenance, etc.;

Prepare & maintain annual budget for building use and facility maintenance;

Maintain usage records & invoice clients accordingly.

Completion of a Bachelor's degree plus two years related experience; Georgia State Drivers License

Advanced knowledge of UGA building operations and support;

Ability to establish & maintain effective working relationships;

Ability to manage entire facilities.



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Job Description: Administrative - Agriculture - Animal Care - Building - Business - Development - Environmental - Equipment - Facilities - Food - Health - HR

Research - IT - Library - Media - Medical - Outreach - Parking - Police - Postal - Printing - PR - Lab - Retail - Student Services - Supplies - Trades - Transit - A-Z

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