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You are here: The Job Explorer > Job Description > Television Producer/Writer

Television Producer/Writer Duties and Responsibilities

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Purpose of Classification:

Develops, writes and produces scripts of news stories for television segments or programs.

Distinguishing Characteristics:

This is a specialized classification and not part of a series. This position typically reports to the Executive Producer.

Examples of Duties:

  • Develops, writes and produces scripts or news stories for television segments or programs; researches topic, conducts interviews and writes and edits own material.
  • Edits, selects and dubs material for program inclusion.
  • Coordinates the activities of support production staff to ensure content, quality, style and image of programs are being met.
  • Operates video-editing equipment.
  • Assists show producers in planning and organizing the content of the show.
  • Delivers segments by reporting and narrating stories or segments on the air.
  • Participates in fundraising campaigns by preparing scripts; may explain campaign and solicit contributions on the air.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • Knowledge of television broadcast rules and regulations.
  • Knowledge of television production, editing and writing techniques.
  • Skill in both verbal and written communication.

Minimum Qualifications:

Bachelor's degree in Journalism or related field AND one year of experience in broadcast writing and producing; OR, Five years of experience in broadcast writing and producing; OR, Any equivalent combination of experience and/or education from which comparable knowledge, skills and abilities have been achieved.


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