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Sample Resume Header

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The resume header is where you can input your identification information (name, address, phone, email). With this section, the potential employer can get touch with you through post mail, phone call or email for interview.

Resume Header


  • Use full name
  • If you use your middle name instead of your first name, list name with first initial followed by middle and last names
  • If you use a nickname that might confuse anyone taking a message for you if your proper name were given, list it parenthetically - EXAMPLES: Francesca (Chekka) Longfellow or Jonathan (Jack) Smith.


  • Permanent address is most common
  • If you are located internationally and want to provide a U.S. address, it may be helpful to the employer when contacting you
  • If you have a second address that is located in the region of the employer, it may help in communicating your willingness in locating in the region
  • If you are a full-time student, you may want to list both your permanent and local (University) address
  • Be sure to check all addresses you provide for an employer to contact you - you do not want to miss an opportunity


  • Both home and work numbers may be provided (if appropriate)
  • Essential in today's 24/7 world - many recruiters communicate via email after hours.
  • Be sure your email address is professional - one you would want a prospective employer to read - EXAMPLE: vs. or


  • This is optional for many career areas and essential for others - depending on the involvement of the web with the position.
  • Once again, be sure your domain name is professional - one you would want a prospective employer to read (see above), and that your Web site contains professional information

Sample Resume Header

Andrew A. Bush
123 5th Avenue
Los Angles, CA 43103
(442) 963611



Cover Letter

Sample Resume

Job Interview

Business Letter
Job Description

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