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Animal Technician Senior Duties and Responsibilities

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Purpose of Classification:

Leads the work of Animal Technicians and Animal Caretakers in the care, feeding and watering of animals and in the cleaning of the facilities. Performs rounds to check cleanliness of animal rooms and condition of animals. Feeds, waters and cares for laboratory animals.

Distinguishing Characteristics:

This is third in a series of seven classifications and is distinguished from the Animal Technician in that incumbents lead the work of other staff employees and make rounds of the facility to check condition of animals and cleanliness of rooms.

Examples of Duties:

  • Coordinates the activities of subordinates.
  • Performs rounds to observe and check the physical health and well being of laboratory animals and the heating, cooling and lighting systems for the facility; reports problems and/or malfunctions to appropriate party.
  • Administers medications and treatments to animals, as directed.
  • Feeds, waters and cares for animals.
  • Checks animal rooms and cages for cleanliness, ensuring that federal standards are being met; cleans and sanitizes rooms and cages.
  • Assigns and allocates space for animals; inventories and keeps records of each animal.
  • Assists in departmental planning of goals and objectives.
  • Coordinates the maintenance or maintains breeding colonies of various animals which include breeding, feeding, weaning and keeping records of activities.
  • May assist investigators or veterinarian in teaching exercises, anesthesia or surgery, as directed.
  • May euthanize animals.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • Knowledge of the environmental conditions necessary for the care and use of laboratory animals.
  • Knowledge of the feeding and reproduction of a variety of animals.
  • Skill in both verbal and written communication.

Minimum Qualifications:

Associate's degree in Laboratory Animal Technology or related field AND two (2) years of animal husbandry experience; OR, four (4) years of animal husbandry experience; OR, American Association for Laboratory Animal Science certification as a Laboratory Animal Technician; OR, Any equivalent combination of experience and/or education from which comparable knowledge, skills and abilities have been achieved.


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