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Job Resume24 Home St. #304

Athens, OH 45701


objective:     Seeking a leadership position in a manufacturing environment.  Open to  



education:  Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology

                           Ohio University‘s Russ College of Engineering and Technology, Minor in

                           Business, Major GPA 3.0/4.0, accumulative GPA 2.7/4.0, Degree received

                           November 2002


related        Manufacturing

course           Plastic Processes                               Industrial Instrumentation and Controls

work:             Quality Assurance and Metrology      Industrial Electronics and Controls

                           Metal Machining                                Metal Fabricating and Casting

                           Product Manufacturing                       Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing

                           Hydraulics and Pneumatics                 Production Tooling (Jigs and Fixtures)


                           Accounting                                        Business Law and Society        

                           Finance                                             Operations (JIT and Scheduling)

                           Management                                      Marketing Principles


software     AutoCAD, Solid Edge, Microsoft Office & Windows, Mastercam,

experience: RSLogic5000, and Visual Basic


work              Truman P. Young and Associates (Structural Engineering)

experience: Summers 1999, 2000 Cincinnati, OH

                           Summer Internship

                              Changed project data base from a paper form into an interactive Excel spreadsheet

                              Used AutoCAD to change structural drawings

                              Organized hard copies of project records


                           Maintenance and Housekeeping, Summers 2001, 2002 Athens, OH

                              Earned money to finance my education


activities/       Certified Manufacturing Technologist (CMfgT) from the Manufacturing

honors:             Engineering Certification Institute

                              George E. McLaughlin Scholarship Recipient, 2002

                              Secretary, Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity, 2000-2002                 

                              Secretary, Society of Plastics Engineers, 1999-2000

                              Member, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2000-2002

                              Dean’s List 2002




Cover Letter

Sample Resume

Job Interview

Business Letter
Job Description

Athletic Training | Academic | Accounting | Chemical Engineering | Communication / Event Planning | Designer | Electrical Engineering | Executive | Entry Level | Functional | Journalism | LL.M. | Management | Marketing | Nurse | Receptionist | Teacher | Internship | Job | Nursing | Retail | Attorney | Customer | Service | Sales Rep | Chronological | Graphic Design | Social Work | Supervisor | Human Resources Manager | Administrative Assistant | Medical | Finance | Government | HDFS | Lawyer | Paralegal | Technician | Trainer | Electronic | Teaching | Lab/Research | Bioengineering | Art | Education | Engineering | Environmental Science

Job Description: Administrative - Agriculture - Animal Care - Building - Business - Development - Environmental - Equipment - Facilities - Food - Health - HR

Research - IT - Library - Media - Medical - Outreach - Parking - Police - Postal - Printing - PR - Lab - Retail - Student Services - Supplies - Trades - Transit - A-Z

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