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Resume Format: Types of Resume

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Resume is a one or two pages document that summarize your education background and working experience. It serves something as advertisement to market yourself to the consumer (employer) who buys (pay) you. The resume, if well created, may lead to an interview, and finally a job offer. So it is worth spending much time.

Types of Resume

There are three major types of resume you can use. The first one is Chronological Resume. It is the most commonly recommended for both experienced working professional and recent graduates. In each part of the resume, information is listed in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent.  Functional Resume is the second most often used format. If you have significant experience, but have gap during the past years, then you can choose this type of resume to de-emphasize the interruption of your career. Rather, you emphasize on the skills possessed and the accomplishments achieved during the past years. For each skill or achievement, you give several examples. The last one is called Combination Resume. As its name suggests, it combine aspects of both functional and chronological formats.

General Resume Format

There are two categories of resume formats: table format and indent format.

Table Format

  • After the Heading is completed, create a table with two columns and a row for each section you are using in your resume.
  • Move center divider of the table to the left so that the left column is narrower (don't worry about the exact location because it can be re-adjusted later).
  • Begin typing information into the cells. PLEASE NOTE: It is best to use the format function to align text. The tab key moves you from cell to cell within the table - AVOID THE TAB KEY!



Indent/Banner Format

  • Type everything flush left
  • For Indent Format: Headings are to be flush left. Therefore, highlight copy within each section, and using the format function, indent copy to the desired position. You can have multiple indents if desired. You may find it helpful to make the first indent 0.3", followed by 0.5" and 0.7", etc. If you want bullets in front of the text, simply select the bullet function when indenting.
  • For Banner Format: Headings are to be centered. Therefore, highlight headings and select the center function. The copy within each section can then be formatted as desired (for example, use hanging indents to set off each item or use bullets - see Indent Format above).



Type of Resume



Cover Letter

Sample Resume

Job Interview

Business Letter
Job Description

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