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Sample Internship Resume

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Sample Internship ResumeCHRIS COOL


5555 Main Street Phone: 440 555-1212

Anytown, OH 44xxx Cell Phone: 440 555-1234

Objective Obtain an internship in a software development position to contribute towards company successes while pursuing my bachelor抯 degree in Computer Information Systems.

Qualifications 6 years experience working in a team goal oriented environment

Problem solving skills: Directly assist with resolving customer issues

Computer experience: Windows 2000, 2003 server, XP, Visual Basic, HTML, Java Script

Flexible and dedicated: working two jobs and school without missing a day of work

Technical Skills

Systems: Windows (98/NT/XP/2000/Server 2003), Linux, UNIX

Hardware: Server, Hubs, Routers, Switches, PC抯

Software: MS Office Suite, MS SQL Server, Visio, Netbeans 5.0, Visual Studio.NET

Networking: TCP/IP, Ethernet, LAN/WAN

Languages: Visual Basic, Java, ASP.NET, CSS, JavaScript

Technologies: 802.11b Wireless

Education Lorain County Community College, Elyria, OH 2005 -Present

Associate of Applied Business Expected graduation: May, 2007

Major: Computer Information Systems Emphasis: Software Development

GPA: 3.2

Relevant Web Development Local Area Networks

Courses Programming Development Using Visual Basic Operating Systems Interface

Intro to Business Administration Oral Communication

Relevant Employer, City, State May 2005 - present

Experience Salesperson

    1. Managed all customer traffic and sales
    2. Developed creative store display layouts
    3. Exceeded yearly sales goals by 25%, supervisor抯 evaluation indicates exceptional overall performance

Employer, City, State June 2005 present

Customer Service Representative

    1. Promoted new programs to customers
    2. Completed self appointed tasks
    3. Organized over 20,000 items on shelves

Employer, City State 1999 2005

Shift Supervisor

    1. Directed employees at four restaurants
    2. Oversaw product ordering and organizing
    3. Promoted from Associate to Shift Supervisor

Honors Honor roll throughout entire school career with a GPA consistently above 3.0

Graduated in top 10% of class




Cover Letter

Sample Resume

Job Interview

Business Letter
Job Description

Athletic Training | Academic | Accounting | Chemical Engineering | Communication / Event Planning | Designer | Electrical Engineering | Executive | Entry Level | Functional | Journalism | LL.M. | Management | Marketing | Nurse | Receptionist | Teacher | Internship | Job | Nursing | Retail | Attorney | Customer | Service | Sales Rep | Chronological | Graphic Design | Social Work | Supervisor | Human Resources Manager | Administrative Assistant | Medical | Finance | Government | HDFS | Lawyer | Paralegal | Technician | Trainer | Electronic | Teaching | Lab/Research | Bioengineering | Art | Education | Engineering | Environmental Science

Job Description: Administrative - Agriculture - Animal Care - Building - Business - Development - Environmental - Equipment - Facilities - Food - Health - HR

Research - IT - Library - Media - Medical - Outreach - Parking - Police - Postal - Printing - PR - Lab - Retail - Student Services - Supplies - Trades - Transit - A-Z

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