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You are here: The Job Explorer > Job Description > Computer Communications Specialist Coordinator

Computer Communications Specialist Coordinator Duties and Responsibilities

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Purpose of Classification:

Provides support to users of the network infrastructure and mentors other network infrastructure support staff. Usually as a team leader, researches, analyzes, designs, develops, and coordinates installation, operation and maintenance of high speed communications network facilities. These communication networks include links, switching systems and network monitoring and control facilities.

Distinguishing Characteristics:

This is fourth in a series of four classifications. Incumbents in this class assign, coordinate and oversee work of Communications Specialist Principals, Seniors, technicians and programmer teams performing a wide variety of network support functions involving hardware, software and control/monitoring elements.

Examples of Duties:

  • Usually as a team leader, identifies need and researches, analyzes, plans, develops and coordinates requests from end users for on-line computing facilities to determine feasibility, cost, equipment needs, time involved; assigns projects to principle and senior specialists, specialists, programmers, or appropriate technicians.
  • Plans, develops, coordinates activities in all phases of projects until the network is functioning adequately.
  • Reviews research relative to specific technical hardware and software related questions and makes recommendations to management, programming, operations, maintenance and systems programming personnel as required.
  • Reviews, evaluates and directs documentation of existing network hardware, software, protocol elements and procedures for possible improvement and authorizes or recommends new or revised elements or procedures as necessary.
  • Acts as a network technology liaison for one or more groups of customers: understands the group’ s interests and networking needs, advocates for them inside and outside of the university, maintains regular communications with them on networking topics, helps with network technology planning, and facilitates solutions to problems.
  • Plans, develops, and coordinates the testing and evaluation of new versions of communication hardware and software.
  • Plans, develops, and coordinates the installation and operation of hardware, software and control elements of the network and coordinates with the systems programming, operations and maintenance staffs of connected computing facilities on hardware and software interface matters.
  • Reviews and coordinates the analysis of communication hardware and software specifications for completeness and compatibility with the communication network.
  • Usually as a team leader, develops, plans and coordinates with administrative and technical personnel concerning installation, implementation, certification, operation and maintenance of complex hardware and software elements interfacing to the communications network.
  • Maintains a high degree of technical knowledge and expertise in the operation and maintenance of high speed communications network facilities
  • Mentors other communication, systems programming, maintenance, operations and other appropriate personnel relating to the communication network infrastructure and its service requirements.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • Considerable knowledge of the principles, operation and capabilities of high-speed communication network hardware, software and protocols currently available.
  • Considerable knowledge of the principles of communications system operation, maintenance, monitoring and control.
  • Considerable knowledge of principles and practices of project coordination relative to network infrastructure.
  • Considerable knowledge of the principles and practices of network software programming.
  • Knowledge of supervisory practices and principles.
  • Skill in the use of programming languages, hardware and protocols specific to the assignment.
  • Proficiency in effectively communicating technical matters both verbally and in writing.

Minimum Qualifications:

Bachelor's degree in Communications Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering or related field and six years of project coordination, communication system design, implementation, operation or maintenance experience which includes four years' experience with high speed circuit or packet switched data networks; OR, Eight years of project coordination, communication system design, implementation, operation or maintenance experience which includes four years' experience with high speed circuit or packet switched data networks; OR, Any equivalent combination of experience and/or education from which comparable knowledge, skills and abilities have been achieved.


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