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You are here: The Job Explorer > Job Description > Public Relations > Assistant Editor Responsibilities

Assistant Editor Duties

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This position is an entry-level editing job, assisting editors in various tasks. It has the responsibility of reviewing copy, and may read and evaluate manuscripts. Other working titles may be production assistant or copy editor.


Conduct research, fact checking, or copy editing;

Offer comments to improve the work of writers;

Usually have responsibility for particular subjects;

Provide administrative support to the editor;

Conduct data inputting and database searching;

Maintain production schedules;

Report on production progress.


Bachelor's degree in Journalism, English or related field or progressively responsible experience in editing, journalism or editorial research.

Ability to express ideas clearly and logically;

Ability to concentrate amid confusion and to work under pressure;

Knowledge of computer software used to combine online text with graphics, audio, video, and animation;

Meticulous attention to detail.



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